North West Delhi Border Road1
Start from BL Bhardwaj Charitable Hospital Road, Jharoda Kalan (Latitude and longitude: 28.66254, 76.95696): Commence your journey from BL Bhardwaj Charitable Hospital Road in Jharoda Kalan. 2
Passing from Tikri Kalan Near Latitude and longitude: 28.68227, 76.96487): Travel through Tikri Kalan during your route. 3
Crossing Metro Station Tikri Kalan (Near Latitude and longitude: 28.68836, 76.9652): Cross the Metro Station in Tikri Kalan. 4
Crossing Railway Line at Tikri Kalan (Near Latitude and longitude: 28.69371, 76.96967): Traverse the railway line at Tikri Kalan. 5
Crossing Nizampur Road (Near Latitude and longitude: 28.72156, 76.96824): Cross Nizampur Road along your route 6
Passing between Mukandpur - Jaunti Village (Near Latitude and longitude: 28.749, 76.96159): Travel through the area between Mukandpur and Jaunti Village. 7
Passing From Punjab Khor Village (Near Latitude and longitude: 28.77689, 76.96095): Pass through Punjab Khor Village. 8
Passing From Qutabgarh Village (Near Latitude and longitude: 28.8005, 76.96141): Continue your route, passing through Qutabgarh Village. 9
Crossing UER Service Len Extensions (Near Latitude and longitude: 28.81244, 76.9702): Traverse the UER Service Len Extensions 10
Crossing Auchandi Bawana road at Ferozpur Bangar (Near Latitude and longitude: 28.82913, 76.98873): Cross Auchandi Bawana road at Ferozpur Bangar. 11
Passing From Harewali Village (Near Latitude and longitude: 28.83613, 77.00799): Pass through Harewali Village. 12
Passing From Lampur Village (Near Latitude and longitude: 28.85279, 77.06185): Travel through Lampur Village. 13
Crossing Railway Line At Bankner Village (Near Latitude and longitude: 28.8665, 77.07735): Cross the railway line at Bankner Village. 14
Passing From Kundli (Near Latitude and longitude: 28.86749, 77.11807): Pass through Kundli. 15
Ending at Delhi - Panipat Expy, Sersa, Kundli (Near Latitude and longitude: 28.86502, 77.12352): Conclude your route at Delhi - Panipat Expressway in Sersa, Kundli.