Muhuwa (Uttar Pradesh) to Vishakhapatnam (Andhra Pradesh)

Proposed Expressway by Indian Volunteers Trust: Muhuwa to Vishakhapatnam

The Indian Volunteers Trust has proposed an expressway connecting Muhuwa in Uttar Pradesh to Vishakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh. This new route will streamline travel, reduce the journey distance, and significantly cut down travel time. The proposed expressway will span 1,098 km compared to the current 1,231 km route, reducing travel time from 27 hours to just 10 hours and 58 minutes.


MuhuwaUttar Pradesh27.4649683.44204
GorakhpurUttar Pradesh26.7612483.36804
ChandauliUttar Pradesh25.2580383.29601
VishakhapatnamAndhra Pradesh17.7329483.14117
Total Distance
Current Route1,231 km
Proposed Expressway1,098 km
Travel Time
Current Travel Time27 hr
Proposed Time10 hr 58 min
Saved Distance
Distance Saved133 km
Saved Time
Time Saved16 hr 2 min
Percentage Savings
Distance Saved (%)10.81%
Time Saved (%)59.41%

Route Map:

  1. Starting from Muhuwa, Uttar Pradesh
    • Latitude: 27.46496
    • Longitude: 83.44204
  2. Passing through Major Points:
    • Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh
      • Latitude: 26.76124
      • Longitude: 83.36804
    • Chandauli, Uttar Pradesh
      • Latitude: 25.25803
      • Longitude: 83.29601
    • Kusmi, Chhattisgarh
      • Latitude: 23.28401
      • Longitude: 83.90563
    • Balangil, Odisha
      • Latitude: 20.70977
      • Longitude: 83.49121
    • Rayagada, Odisha
      • Latitude: 19.27060
      • Longitude: 83.33621
  3. Ending at Vishakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh
    • Latitude: 17.73294
    • Longitude: 83.14117

Purpose and Objectives:

  • Enhanced Connectivity: The expressway will create a direct and efficient link between key regions in Uttar Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Odisha, and Andhra Pradesh, improving accessibility and travel efficiency.
  • Economic Growth: This new route will facilitate economic activities by reducing travel time and distance, thereby lowering transportation costs and boosting regional trade.
  • Travel Efficiency: With a faster and more direct route, travel will become more convenient, reducing the stress and time associated with long journeys.
  • Environmental Benefits: Shorter travel distances will lead to decreased fuel consumption and lower emissions, contributing to environmental sustainability.


  • Reduced Travel Time: The expressway will reduce travel time by approximately 16 hours and 2 minutes, making trips quicker and more comfortable.
  • Public Satisfaction: Improved travel conditions and significant time savings will enhance the overall travel experience for commuters.
  • Strategic Connectivity: This expressway will play a crucial role in enhancing national connectivity, integrating various regions, and supporting regional cooperation and development.

The proposed expressway from Muhuwa to Vishakhapatnam represents a major infrastructure improvement with numerous benefits for regional development, economic growth, and enhanced connectivity across India. The Indian Volunteers Trust strongly recommends that the government prioritize this project to expedite development and effectively connect major cities across the nation.

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