Porbandar to Bhavnaga

Proposed Expressway by Indian Volunteers Trust: Porbandar to Bhavnagar

The Indian Volunteers Trust proposes an expressway from Porbandar to Bhavnagar in Gujarat, covering a distance of 266 km. This expressway aims to improve connectivity, reduce travel time, and promote economic growth across key regions in Gujarat. Currently, the route covers 290 km and takes approximately 5 hours and 24 minutes to travel. With the new expressway, travel time will be reduced to just 2 hours and 39 minutes.


Total Distance
Current Route290 km
Proposed Expressway266 km
Travel Time
Current Travel Time5 hr 24 min
Proposed Expressway Time2 hr 39 min
Saved Distance
Distance Saved24 km
Saved Time
Time Saved2 hr 45 min
Percentage Savings
Distance Saved (%)8.28%
Time Saved (%)50.93%

Route Map:

  1. Starting from Porbandar, Gujarat
    • Latitude: 21.65443
    • Longitude: 69.60722
  2. Passing through Junagarh, Gujarat
    • Latitude: 21.55452
    • Longitude: 70.55612
  3. Passing through Amreli, Gujarat
    • Latitude: 21.61391
    • Longitude: 71.16085
  4. Ending at Bhavnagar, Gujarat
    • Latitude: 21.77149
    • Longitude: 72.16287

Proposed Interchanges:

  1. Interchange at Porbandar, Gujarat
    • Latitude: 21.65443
    • Longitude: 69.60722
  2. Interchange at Junagarh, Gujarat
    • Latitude: 21.55452
    • Longitude: 70.55612
  3. Interchange at Amreli, Gujarat
    • Latitude: 21.61391
    • Longitude: 71.16085
  4. Interchange at Bhavnagar, Gujarat
    • Latitude: 21.77149
    • Longitude: 72.16287

Purpose and Objectives:

  • Enhanced Connectivity: The expressway will provide a direct and efficient route connecting major cities across Gujarat, significantly improving regional connectivity.
  • Economic Development: By reducing travel time and distance, the expressway will stimulate trade, tourism, and economic activities, contributing to regional growth.
  • Quality of Life: Improved travel conditions will enhance the quality of life for residents and travelers by making journeys safer and more comfortable.
  • Strategic Importance: The expressway will serve as a crucial link between various strategic locations, facilitating smoother and faster movement of goods and people.


  • Red Lights Saved: The expressway will minimize stops and delays caused by traffic signals, enhancing travel efficiency.
  • Traffic Reduction: Providing a direct and efficient route will help alleviate congestion on existing roads, reducing overall traffic.
  • Time Savings: Travelers can save approximately 2 hours and 45 minutes, cutting travel time by 50.93%.
  • Distance Savings: The expressway will shorten the travel distance by 24 km, a reduction of 8.28%.
  • Public Satisfaction: Improved travel conditions will significantly increase public satisfaction, making journeys more pleasant and less stressful.
  • Traffic Stress Management: Enhanced infrastructure and reduced travel times will help manage and reduce traffic stress, contributing to smoother and more enjoyable travel experiences.

The proposed Porbandar to Bhavnagar expressway represents a visionary project aimed at accelerating development and improving connectivity across Gujarat. The Indian Volunteers Trust urges the government to consider this proposal, recognizing its potential to drive progress and enhance the quality of life for residents in the region.

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